
Action's Event Interface

onUse(player, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition, isHotkey)

  • player -- 1st arg/parameter /userdata/ = The player who uses the item.

  • item -- 2nd arg/parameter/ userdata/ = The first item player uses/use with.

  • fromPosition - 3rd arg/parameter/userdata/ = The position the first item is at.

  • itemEx -- 4th arg/parameter/userdata/ = The target of item's Use With, can be item or creature

  • toPosition - 5th arg/parameter/ userdata/ = The position the first item is used on, with crosshairs.

  • isHotkey - 6th arg/parameter/ boolean/ = Did the player use item via hot key? True/False.

  1. onUse is called whenever an item registered to the action is used.

  2. You can register actions in data/actions/actions.xml

    <action itemid="4856" script="test.lua" />
    <action fromid="2146" toid="2147" script="other/enchanting.lua" />
  3. Alternatively you can use revscript method to register via lua, by saving a .lua file in data/scripts folder.

After you have registered your action in actions.xml you can call the event in a script like so:

function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey)  -- can name the arguments what you like.
    local SwordLevel = player:getSkillLevel(SKILL_SWORD)
    if SwordLevel < 70 then
        player:sendCancelMessage("This technique requires a sword fighting skill of 70 or higher.")
        return false

    if not item:hasAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRADEFENSE) then
        player:sendCancelMessage("Only swords known for their well balance and extra defense are suitable for this task.")
        return false

    if fromPosition:isSightClear(toPosition) then 
        player:sendCancelMessage("You must have a clear path to your target")
        return false

    if target:isPlayer() then 
        player:sendCancelMessage("To execute this technique properly, the target needs to be a player.")
        return false

    if isHotkey then 
        player:sendCancelMessage("You can't use this item with a hotkey!")
        return false
     -- Executing the technique

    -- Teleport to the position

    -- Configure bleeding damage
    local bleed = {
    -- Apply deadly bleeding attack on target
    player:addDamageCondition(target, CONDITION_BLEEDING, DAMAGELIST_CONSTANT_PERIOD, bleed.damage, bleed.interval, bleed.rounds)

    -- Warn target that they just got slashed hard from player:getName and their blood is puring out!
    target:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "You just recieved a blood gushing wound from "..player:getName().."'s deadly sword technique!")
   return true

Revscript Action

Revscript share the same event onUse() with the same arguments listed above.

To access any events through revscripts, you must create a variable first to access the interface

you must have one variable per event callback no matter which type of interface you wish to access!

Here is an example.

local swordTechnique = Action() -- we created a variable to access Action interface

Action has the available methods and event to use with revscripts


  • onUse(player, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition, isHotkey)



local swordTechnique = Action() -- we created a variable to access Action interface

swordTechnique:id(2376) -- sword's itemId to register for event


local swordTechnique = Action() -- we created a variable to access Action interface

swordTechnique:aid(15428) -- an actionId to register for event


local swordTechnique = Action() -- we created a variable to access Action interface

swordTechnique:uid(1337) -- a uniqueId to register for event


local swordTechnique = Action() -- we created a variable to access Action interface

swordTechnique:allowFarUse(true) -- True/False. True we can be more than one square away to use


local swordTechnique = Action() -- we created a variable to access Action interface

swordTechnique:blockWalls(true) -- True/false. True and walls will block usage of item.


local swordTechnique = Action() -- we created a variable to access Action interface

swordTechnique:checkFloor(true) -- True/false. True and we can only use item on same floor as us.

To register an Action script using the Revscript Method, please first ensure it is saved at proper directory location, inside you data/scripts folder, then you can see the same action as above demonstrated as a revscript like so:

local swordTechnique = Action() -- we created a variable to access Action interface

-- Here we register items to use for action, using swordTechnique variable.
swordTechnique:id(2376) -- sword's itemId to register for event
swordTechnique:aid(15428) -- an actionId to register for event
swordTechnique:uid(1337) -- a uniqueId to register for event

-- Here we configure our other action methods, still using swordTechniqu variable.

 --- Here we call the event using the same swordTechnique variable.
function swordTechnique.onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) -- can name the arguments what you like.

    local SwordLevel = player:getSkillLevel(SKILL_SWORD)
    if SwordLevel < 70 then
        player:sendCancelMessage("This technique requires a sword fighting skill of 70 or higher.")
        return false

    if not item:hasAttribute(ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_EXTRADEFENSE) then
        player:sendCancelMessage("Only swords known for their well balance and extra defense are suitable for this task.")
        return false

    if fromPosition:isSightClear(toPosition) then 
        player:sendCancelMessage("You must have a clear path to your target")
        return false

    if target:isPlayer() then 
        player:sendCancelMessage("To execute this technique properly, the target needs to be a player.")
        return false

    if isHotkey then 
        player:sendCancelMessage("You can't use this item with a hotkey!")
        return false

    -- Executing the technique

    -- Teleport to the position

    -- Configure bleeding damage
    local bleed = {
    -- Apply deadly bleeding attack on target
    player:addDamageCondition(target, CONDITION_BLEEDING, DAMAGELIST_CONSTANT_PERIOD, bleed.damage, bleed.interval, bleed.rounds)

    -- Warn target that they just got slashed hard from player:getName and their blood is puring out!
    target:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING, "You just recieved a blood gushing wound from "..player:getName().."'s deadly sword technique!")

    return true

-- Finally after all logic is completed, we register the event, still using swordTechnique

Last updated

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